As an experienced and broad sighted front-end/full-stack developer, I've worked in e-commerce and branding fields for over a decade.
[sample] JAMstack sample with SveltKit / GraphQL API with Prisma as CMS
Svelte-Kit as a front-end being connected to Graph API server with Prisma to control MySQL database easily. As written below, I'm developping a full-stack for the legacy online shopping websites now, but it's in progress and only accesible from Japan. So I decided to provide this small sample. CMS part is ongoing to develop.
[limited access] GraphQL API for
Built a GraphQL API with Prisma/Apollo-server/Typescript for an old but popular shopping website with legacy cakePHP. The site is accesible from Japan only.
A branding web site for a newly launched skincare products maker, 'iskinclock' (pronounce i-skin-clock) by EWILAB. I chose Svelte.js to implement this website becuase of its compile before runtime style, and was easy to fit for non dynamic nature.
A reatil website for imporing CPAP to Japan privately. Joined as a front-end developer. Implemented with CakePHP and UIKit CSS framwork.
The company which running iskinclock have needed to launch its corporate site urgently, so me and a fellow designer chose wordpress. Because CMS is easier to correct its contents without tech people. We finished this site just for over a week.